Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hufflepuff Sweeps: BROOM recap

This Sunday all BROOMs were due and Hufflepuff has some daring witches and wizards.  Without going into too much detail, here is the basic breakdown of these helpful, crafty students.  (please note-these numbers *could* be slightly off- but they're what I can figure at the moment!)

We've got 68 badgers daring to apply for an Order of the Phoenix Mission.

Recruitment: 23
Whenever the Floo Takes You: 17 students
Subtle Science and Exact Arts: 6 students
Security Operations: 22
Order Swag - 12 students
Advance Guard - 6 students
Undercover Operations: 15
Undercover at a Concert - 12
Spy on the Death Eaters - 3
Central Command: 18
Central Command - 6
Fallen Heroes - 12

Missions begin this Sunday!  Check back every Wednesday for more Advanced Studies information and highlights on individual projects and students!

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