Monday, May 6, 2013

Quiddy Training Video #1: ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!  Larcyarn here for your weekly dose of Quidditch excitement.

It’s been an exciting beginning to our Quidditch season.  In case you’ve been studying more than hanging out at the pitch, it’s time you jumped into this term’s first TRAINING VIDEO:

Training Film 1         May 3-9: Ohm
We are asking that you warm up for this Quidditch season with some yoga to clear your minds. 
Your options:
·         organize your stash -- upload pics, update yardage used, add that pile of yarn or fiber that you’ve recently gotten from a Diagon Alley binge.
·         organize your project pages -- forgot to mark those WIPs as finished, need to add yardage used, dates, have a bunch of projects you never made pages for? Perfect!
·         organize your craft room -- put away all those partial balls, organize your needles and hooks, make it a happy place again! “Before” photos are appreciated, “After” photos are required.
·         organize your favorites -- label all those untagged favorites; go through the ones you have and get rid of those you don’t like anymore
·         organize your queue -- make sure everything has at least one tag; sort your queue so the project for this term are on the first two pages; organize your queue by headings; purge your queue of those things you know you’ll never make.
·         organize your library -- add those books and magazines that you got at the last LYS sale!!
Only one of these tasks is required to meet this Challenge, but feel free to go crazy and tackle any or all of them. Students will receive 15 points for their organizational efforts, but only once, not for each option.
How to turn in evidence that you have been hard at work? Screenshots of your stash, queue, favorites and project pages pre- and post-clean up are preferred, but a detailed explanation with links to your pages will suffice if this is not possible. Photos of craft-room clean-ups are required (pre- and post- are preferred).
So, how is the Hufflepuff team fairing in the competition?
Keeper Sharonluvs2knit2 posts our scores in the Hufflepuff pitch, in a perfectly concise little chart.  Here is an unofficial up-to-date scores chart:
 Quiddy day 3 at 830pm.jpg
Way to go Hufflepuff!  Let’s go get ‘em!  You’ve got until Thursday to post your GOAL for Hufflepuff!  

Need help?  Pop into the Quidditch forum for help with posting photos, ohm ideas, or general help.  Don't let these easy 15 points pass you by...

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