Friday, May 10, 2013

First Firstie Friday - Say That Five Times Fast!

Hello and welcome to the first Firstie Friday of the term! I'm JessiaSott, your intrepid Firstie blogger. I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences of life as a First Year Hufflepuff with you all, and I hope I can help my fellow Firsties successfully navigate their first sorted term in the House Cup.

One of my plans for this space is to have a Firstie Tip of the Week (tip of the hat to Skrewkat for the suggestion!). I wanted to write this first post about organizational tips, but I struggled with each draft. I still plan on posting soon about ways you can organize your crafting, but I realized that I was struggling because I want my first tip to be about the most important part of the House Cup. As much as I love organization, it's not the most important part of this experience. No, that would be...drum roll, please...

Firstie Tip of the Week: HAVE FUN!

We're all here because we love crafting and we love the magical world of Harry Potter, right? Right. Points are awesome; spreadsheets are awesome; doing ALL THE THINGS is awesome. The point of playing this game, though, is to have fun. Check yourself lest ye wreck yourself: are you having fun? If you're not having as much fun as you can - and really, you can always have more fun - check out this handy-dandy list:

  • Relax. I know that this is easier said than done, but try it anyway. Even just taking five minutes to breathe deeply and think about happy things can make a world of difference.
  • Hang out in your cete. I have visited all of the cetes, and I can confidently say that they are all awesome. No matter which one you got assigned to, you have a great group of people who want you to have fun. Get to know your little HuffleFamily!
  • Find an activity in the Den that you like. Trust me: no matter where your interests lie, there is something in the Den for you. Explore the threads! Find badges to earn, recipes to make, movies to watch...I really could go on and on. Go see what's going on when people aren't in class!
  • Take a look around the rest of the HuffleBlog. My fellow bloggers can't wait to tell you about the cool things to do and the amazing projects to admire in our house. You might even see your name in print! HuffleBloggers love to brag on people, so be sure to cheer on your housemates and squee a little (or a lot) if you see your name here!
Speaking of bragging on people, I am going to be sending out a Firstie Profile questionnaire that I would love for my fellow Firsties to fill out. I'll show some love to different First Years each week, and we may have a round table of sorts if the opportunity arises. Be on the lookout for that in the weeks to come!

Well, 'Puffs, I appreciate you reading my first HuffleBlog post. I hope you are having a fantastic term so far, and I hope you remember our first Firstie Tip. Have fun, Badgers! Huzzah!