Friday, January 8, 2010

Technique Friday!

Hello lovely Hufflepuffs! What an exciting first week it has been!

One of my favorite things about knitting is learning new ways to make my work more professional looking. Little touches can make or break a project and it's important to utilize the proper technique for the perfect effect.

Nothing can ruin your work like a cast on that is too tight or a sloppy bind off. Here are my favorite methods to start and end ribbed edges.

When I decided to knit Eunny's Endpaper Mitts, I was completely mystified with the Italian tubular cast on. I mean, come on! Like it's that important?!?! What's wrong with a loose long tail? I actually took offense at the suggestion. BUT TRUST ME, this is so much easier than it seems and looks spectacular!

Easy tubular cast on (without waste yarn!!)

Once you get a rhythm going, it's easy peesy!!

Use this cast on for socks and mittens or anytime you start off with 1x1 ribbing. Amaze yourself!

Back to the endpaper mitts... I totally nailed the colorwork. I was so happy with what I had accomplished! It was all even and perfect and I didn't mess up once! What's that? Eunny says to try a different bind off? What?!?! Crap. Another new thing to learn? Ugh. Set up rows? What a pain.

Then I found this

A really cool bind off without set up rows. You know what? I learned this one BEFORE I could even kitchener. It's what got me off my lazy butt to LEARN kitchener stitch, because essentially, that's what it is! Once again, get a rhythm going and it will be done before you know it! Watch your tension though... it might take a few goes to get it perfect.

So there ya have it. My favorite CO and BO. Use them wisely!

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