Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hufflepuff Prizes for July!

Here we are at the end of term!  Way to go everyone with winning the House Cup!

Now for the monthly collection of the 'Puffs who are nominated for prizes.Let's start with the Advanced Studies students:

Nominated for her AMAZING Defense Against the Dark Arts and Ancient Ruins NEWT: Luckynumbers.

We also have a nomination for her Order of the Pheonix Mission from clmnj58!

Then, we had  a nomination for Quidditch in July from Banklady6:

AND-for Detention, Beanmama

Now for the classes!

HISTORY OF MAGIC from Quiltyone

and nutmegandmia

HERBOLOGY from Naava

DIVINATION from KarenRedBaron

and TBoutiqueCritters


and Hazelly

CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES from lea67000 (this is one of my favorite projects this month!)

And... I've saved the best for last! For Care of Magical Creatures, theresmiling who wrote an AMAZING homework submission to go with her crafted project.  I've included it here because I was so impressed with it:

Once upon a midnight busy, while I studied hard and fizzy, (don’t ask)
Over many a quaint and dodgy volume of important lore,
While I scribbled, nearly smearing, suddenly there came a knocking,
As of some one gently plopping, plopping at my dormroom door.
‘Tis some visitor’, I muttered, ‘knocking at my dormroom door’
‘Only this, and nothing more.’
Ah, distinctly I remember in there slithered something black,
And it slithered all in silence over there upon the floor.
Eagerly I wished the morrow; - vainly I had sought to borrow
form my profs some kind of info – info ‘bout the Lethifold;
For the beast that slithered hither whom the elders named Leth’fold
Gone shall be for evermore.
And the shiny quick elusive movement of the creature’s body
Thrilled me – filled me with enormous terrors never felt before;
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating:
‘Tis some creature just that came inside here through my dormroom door,
Some small creature just that came inside here through my dormroom door,
This it is and nothing more.’
Presently my soul grew stronger, hesitating then no longer,
‘Dang’, said I, and ‘Creature, truly it’s your death that I implore;
For your nature’s not the sweetest, and your manners not the neatest,
And so sneak’ly you came in here, in here through my dormroom door,
That I must do what I have to – kick you out right through that door,
Out with you, an nothing more.
Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there searching, fearing,
Doubting, thinking thoughts no muggle ever dared to think before;
But the quarrel was soon finished, and the creature quickly banished,
And the only charm there spoken was ‘Curtanum Crochetio’;
This I whispered, and for safety, murmured quick the charm once more;
Merely this and nothing more.
Now into the kitchen turning, all my soul within me burning,
I put the thing right at the window, somewhat lower there to screen
my own space from strangers views. There it’s hanging at my window frame.
Let me see then, what thereat is, and this curtain here explore,
Let my heart be still a moment and this curtain here explore;
‘Tis a raven, nothing more.
Dear Professors, I’ll present you, here, with joy and flutter,
What I’ve done with that black creature that was named the Lethifold
Not the least resistance made he; not a minute fought of brawled he,
But, without a sound or squeal, let me jinx him into this;
This black curtain of black cotton looking like a raven’s twin,
Looking like a raven’s twin.

Congratulations to everyone and 

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