Tuesday, January 3, 2012

'Puffs Raise a little HECK

Hello and welcome to what looks to be a fantastic Winter 2012 term at the HPKCHC!

This term, I will be your HECKMistriss.  In case you haven't heard about HECK, it is the House Elf Crafting Klatch - otherwise known as "ideas for getting my homework done".  Each month, we'll have ideas for meeting the House Cup's monthly class requirement and hopefully have some fun along the way.

This month, we are crafting washcloths (or blanket squares) along with the Hufflecleaners.  In a epic turn of class prompts, Arithmancy is asking for 'bee' themed projects.  Bees... black and yellow... hel-lo Hufflepuff!  Work your squares in yellow/black yarn or craft one of these other aptly colored bee themed projects  and get them turned into Arithmancy in January.  (If you have questions or need help, you can find me in HECK.)

These 'Puff Pride projects are quick, so it you haven't done one yet, do it soon.  Not only will you meet your one class requirement for the month early (giving you plenty of time to work on what makes you happy the rest of the month), but you can collect this super cool badge!


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