Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Staff Chocolate Frog Cards: A Contest!

Welcome to our HuffleBlog Contest: Staff Chocolate Frog Cards!

Every week or so I will be posting a few "backs" of chocolate cards describing members of the Hufflepuff staff. From the date posted you will have two days to PM baxgirl on Ravelry with who you think the chocolate cards are about. All answers are due by 9pm Eastern Standard Time (New York time) on the date due. 

For every card you get right you will get 1 point. I will track these and after I've gone through all the staff members whoever has the most points will receive an awesome badge just for them and up to $5 in a free pattern download on Ravelry!

In order to prevent the last few being too easy based on process of elimination I will not post the answers until the contest is over. I will, however, post the current points rankings with each new post. 

So let's get started!

1. This witch is in charge of placing all students in Cetes and is also cete mama to her own cete. She's been a cete mama since before Headmistress Yarnvista was a cete mama (did you know she was a cete mama before becoming headmistress?). Her crafting pursuits including knitting, weaving, dying, and spinning but weaving is her current passion. She is also a huge Seattle Seahawks fan. 

2. This witch is in charge of excusing students from class, answers questions, and organizes a lot. She knits, crochets, and spins a little. She also owns 1 donkey, 6 chickens, and 7 Soay sheep!

3. This witch is new to staff this term and is a cete mama. She knits, crochets, spins, and dyes. She loves to knit up her handspun! She can also do the wave with her eyebrows! Cool!

Guesses are due to baxgirl via PM by 9pm EST on Thursday, October 10th!

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