Monday, August 23, 2010

Are you ready for September 1st?

Hi! I'm Fluttervale, TA for DADA this term, and one of your house Bloggers. Are you ready for the Fall Term? Here's what I do before each term.

1. I get the main forum ready to read. I start by ignoring all the old threads (because I find lots of threads visually distracting). Today, I removed everything that wasn't stickied except the Hufflepuff Common Room. (I ignored a few stickies, too, that I'm not participating in.) Just click in the "status" box next to each thread, and the option to ignore comes up. Once term starts, I'll ignore all of the common rooms except my own, and I generally ignore old class threads as well from previous months.

2. I read all of the remaining threads until I was caught up. Because, you know, I get behind on these things.

3. I visited the Hufflepuff House Group and did the same. I checked in on the Blog post (since I'm obviously part of the Blog team!) and will shortly be active in that group, just as soon as this post is posted.

4. I checked my Queue, and made sure that all the patterns that I'd like to work on this term are in my queue, and that all my patterns are printed. I even set aside the yarn in a special bin for classes. My goal this term is to knit up scarves and dishcloths, and I have some mittens/handwear patterns as well that I'd like to do for classes.

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